What To Do and What Happens If I Missed a Birth Control Pill?

Written by: withJuno Editorial Team, Reviewed by Dr Julian Hong

It’s an ordinary day, and suddenly you realise you’ve missed a birth control pill. Panic sets in. What do you do? And more importantly, what might happen? If this scenario sounds all too familiar, then read on as we demystify the steps to take and the potential effects of missing your oral contraceptive.

Birth Control Pills

Birth control pills, a term collectively used for minipill and other oral contraceptives, are a widely adopted method for preventing unwanted pregnancies. These tiny tablets pack a potent mix of hormones that work in harmony to inhibit the natural menstrual cycle, thereby averting the possibility of pregnancy. However, the effectiveness of these pills is significantly tied to how consistently and correctly they are used. This can only be ensured if regularity is maintained. Now, let’s delve further and find out what to do in case you’re in this predicament.

What to do if you missed a birth control pill?

If you missed one pill

  • If this happens, take one immediately without delay
  • Take the next pill at the usual time however, you may need to take two pills in one day
  • Continue taking the rest of the pills on schedule, even if it means finishing the pack a day early
  • In this case, you don’t require a backup birth control pill

If you missed two pills

  • Take two pills on two consecutive days and finish the medicine pack by consuming one tablet a day after that
  • In such a case, a backup method of contraception will be ideal for the next seven days

Upon missing three or more contraceptive pills

  • If you missed three or more pills, you should start a new pack and use a backup method of contraception for at least seven days

Possible side effects of missing a birth control pill

Unexpected bleeding or spotting:

Missing a pill can disrupt the hormonal balance, leading to unexpected bleeding or spotting 


The risk of pregnancy increases with each missed pill. If you’ve missed two or more pills, consider taking a pregnancy test if your period is late


Some women may experience nausea if they double up on pills after missing a dose


Hormonal changes due to missing a pill can trigger headaches in some women

Breast Tenderness:

Some women may experience breast tenderness when they miss a pill and then resume taking them


Whether it’s the minipill or a combination birth control pill, manoeuvring through the world of oral contraceptives can often feel challenging. The occasional slip-up of missing a pill is more common than you might think, and while it’s not ideal, it’s also not the end of the world. It’s crucial to remember that these instances don’t equate to failure; they’re merely human moments in the grand scheme of your reproductive health journey. 

Even though missing a birth control pill can be a cause for concern, it’s comforting to know that there are clear steps you can follow to mitigate any risks. Just remember that you have the knowledge and resources to handle it. After all, life is full of unexpected moments, and how we respond to them truly matters.

FAQs related to missed birth control pill

1. What must be done if you miss a pill dosage?

If you miss one pill, take it as soon as you remember and continue your schedule. You don’t need additional contraception.

2. What are the options if you forgot to take two contraceptive pills?

If this happens, take two immediately upon remembering and two the day after.

3. What must be done if you miss more than three days of the contraceptive pill?

Start a new pack immediately and use a backup method of contraception for at least seven days.

4. Can I get pregnant if I have missed a birth control pill?

Yes, the risk of getting pregnant increases with each missed pill. Consider taking a pregnancy test if you’ve missed multiple pills and your period is late.

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Book a consultation with Ova Singapore’s medical team to learn more about reproductive healthcare treatments here.


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