Causes of Infertility in Males and Females

Written by: withJuno Editorial Team, Reviewed by Dr Julian Hong

You might be trying to have a baby, but it hasn’t been working out, and that must be frustrating. There are many factors that play a role in conceiving a child, so let’s take a few minutes to learn about infertility and if it could be something that is afflicting you.

This article is part of our comprehensive write-up on Fertility.

What is infertility?

Infertility means not being able to get pregnant naturally after trying for more than 12 months for women less than 35 years old, and 6 months for women more than 35 years old. Difficulty getting pregnant can be caused by either the man, woman or both partners. 

Types of infertility

  • Primary infertility is typically defined as the inability to get pregnant after trying for 12 months without using any contraceptive methods. 
  • Secondary infertility refers to the inability to get pregnant after being able to conceive at least once. 

Most common causes of infertility

Causes of infertility differ for each person, but some common factors that cause infertility are age, sperm factors, ovulation disorders or anatomical factors such as fibroids. 

Causes of infertility in males

There are several medical, environmental and lifestyle causes for male infertility. 

Medical issues

Some medical problems that interfere with fertility are infections, ejaculation issues or hormone imbalances that could block the formation/movement of healthy sperm into the fallopian tube. Besides that, previous surgeries or medication can also alter a man’s fertility, especially when there is the use of long-term anabolic steroids or chemotherapy.

Environmental factors

Exposure to industrial chemicals, radiation, or heavy metals can reduce fertility or even infertility. Some of these things cause a temporary reduction in sperm count, but prolonged exposure may result in permanent loss of the ability to produce sperm. Increased temperature in the testicles can also lower sperm count and function. 

Lifestyle impacts

Unhealthy lifestyle choices such as the heavy use of tobacco, alcohol or drugs can lower the number and quality of sperm. These poor lifestyle choices can result in a more challenging time conceiving a baby. Weight is also an essential factor that places into this. Therefore, maintaining a healthy weight range is vital for healthy sperm production. 

Image by Concord90 from Pixabay

Causes of infertility in females

The causes of infertility in females can be separated into four main categories: 

Ovulation disorder 

Having trouble ovulating is a significant cause of infertility. The hormonal imbalances can be caused by polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) conditions. Additionally, primary ovarian insufficiency can lead to premature menopause, causing premature egg loss. Finally, the imbalances in hormones from hypothalamic dysfunction or excess production of prolactin also causes infertility. 

Tubal infertility

A blocked or damaged fallopian tube could result in infertility. This is because it would cause a blockage in sperm trying to reach the egg or when fertilised eggs are trying to get to the uterus for implantation. 

Uterine or cervical issues

Uterine causes can affect the implantation of eggs or increase the chances of miscarriages. Some things that are considered under this category are anomalies in the shape of the uterus, narrow cervixes, inability of the cervix to produce mucus or the presence of benign polyps. 


When tissue that should grow in the uterus ends up growing in other places, it is known as endometriosis. This growth or even its removal can cause scarring, which can block the sperm from fertilizing the egg. 

What type of fibroid causes infertility? 

Non-cancerous tumours that grow in or around the uterus are known as fibroids. It is a common condition that affects 30 – 77% of women. While most of them don’t show symptoms, some people with fibroids experience painful periods, painful sex or pelvic pain. 

While most fibroids don’t usually prevent women from getting pregnant, a submucosal fibroid can cause fertility issues. This is because a submucosal fibroid grows into the uterine cavity and in the inner womb, which causes difficulty getting pregnant.

Unexplained causes of infertility

Unexplained infertility is fertility that can’t be explained because the cause is not found through standard fertility testing. The issue could most likely be the quality of the egg or the sperm, ovulation problems, or insufficient sexual intercourse.

It can be frustrating to have unexplained fertility because you cannot pin down the root problem. However, treatments such as intrauterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilisation, lifestyle changes, timed intercourse and ovarian stimulation could help to resolve it. 

Drugs that cause infertility in females

Side effects from medication could cause infertility. For example, 

  • Long-term use or high doses of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicine,
  • Chemotherapy or antipsychotic medicines
  • Use of recreational drugs are also known to cause detriment to fertility. 

Fertility treatment plans and options 

People can choose a few options when deciding the right Fertility treatment plan for themselves. For example, fertility drugs can be taken or surgeries that help restore fertility. Otherwise, some couples may opt for reproductive assistance such as intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilisation (IVF). 

Image by Elena Έλενα Kontogianni Κοντογιάννη from Pixabay

If you’re having concerns about your fertility, we recommend you speak to our telehealth consultant at Ova for advice on the next steps that you could take. 


Many factors can cause infertility, and even with all the tests available, it is still sometimes difficult to detect the cause. Struggling with infertility can be a complicated process, but treatment plans are available, and it is possible to get help.


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