Fertility Test: When To Get Tested And Options Available

Written by: withJuno Editorial Team, Reviewed by Dr Julian Hong

Infertility can be caused by a myriad of different factors, including age, lifestyle choices, genetics, and other medical conditions. Fertility tests are available to help you understand why you’re having problems with conception.

For more on fertility, read ‘What is fertility? Important facts you need to know

How do I know if I’m infertile?

For an infertility diagnosis, you’d have to take some tests to figure out the cause of infertility. It is actually quite difficult to know if you’re infertile because there aren’t any noticeable symptoms except finding it challenging to get pregnant or stay pregnant. 

How early can you get a fertility test?

You can get a fertility test at any time you wish. Typically, a medical professional would speak to you about current lifestyle choices and sexual habits to see if there are other options before getting tested. 

Infertility tests can be uncomfortable, invasive, and not to mention expensive, so you’d want to be sure you’d need one before getting it too quickly. 

When should I get infertility testing?

You should get a fertility evaluation if you’ve been trying to get pregnant for one year. Those over the age of 35 get an assessment after six months of trying for a baby. However, if you have previous health issues such as ectopic pregnancies or miscarriages, consult your medical professional as soon as possible. 

Where can I get a fertility test done?

You can get fertility tests done by a gynecologist who will be able to run the proper tests for you, depending on what they think might be the problem. Unfortunately, there are quite a few tests that might be needed before diagnosing the exact problem. 

Fertility tests for women

Photo by Gemma Chua-Tran on Unsplash

Fertility in women depends on the ability of ovaries to produce healthy eggs that travel down the reproductive tract, get fertilized, and are implanted in the uterus. There are a few tests to check the health of your reproductive system. 


An ultrasound wand is placed inside the vaginal canal to check the pelvic organs. Through the ultrasound, they’ll be able to check the images of the ovaries and the uterus to ensure there are no structural abnormalities. 

Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)

The HSG, which is a special X-ray checks if the fallopian tubes and uterus are in good condition. It is done to detect any blockages of the fallopian tubes and assess if the uterus is of a regular shape. Any scarring or abnormalities in these parts can cause infertility or difficulty getting pregnant. 


A hysteroscopy is done to check for uterine diseases. A thin device is inserted into the cervix to view any abnormalities in the uterus. They’ll be able to take photos or samples that can be tested to check for any issues.


It is a minimally invasive or keyhole surgery procedure done to view the condition of the fallopian tube, uterus, and ovaries. You can also check for scarring tissues, endometriosis, blockages, and irregularities. This procedure could possibly cure minor issues that cause endometriosis. 

Blood test 

A medical professional might run a blood test to check your hormonal levels to see if your follicle-stimulating hormones (FSH) are in the normal range. Too high or too low  levels of FSH may indicate low fertility in women. Hormone tests can also detect ovulatory and reproductive functions.  

Fertility test for men

Just like women, some tests can be done to check men’s fertility. To be fertile, men need to produce healthy sperm that can travel through the female reproductive system to fertilize the egg. These tests will show if any processes are impaired. 

At home test kit

A home test kit will be able to test your sperm count to tell you if the volume is low. The great thing about home test kits is that they’re quick and discreet. However, it might not be able to tell you all the information you need about the cause of infertility. As such, you will still need to see a medical professional to determine the cause of infertility.

Semen analysis

A sample of your semen is handed over to the lab to be tested to identify any possible abnormalities. For example, it could detect infection, the volume of semen, sperm concentration, vitality, shape and health of the sperm. 


A Urinalysis is conducted by sampling urine to test for biomarkers or molecules in the urine. The idea is to test for normozoospermic infertility in which a man’s sperm cells can appear normal during semen analysis but still have difficulty conceiving. This can help make more specific diagnosis of male infertility. . 

Hormone Testing

A blood test can show the hormone levels for testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormones, and luteinizing hormones which work together to produce sperm. Healthy levels indicate that everything is working well, and the problem might not be here. 


A medical professional might request a scrotal or a transrectal ultrasound to ensure no cysts, blockages in the ejaculatory ducts, or tumors in the scrotum or prostate. These ultrasounds can also check for infections, testicular abnormalities, or varicoceles, which could cause infertility. 

How to treat infertility?

A few treatment options for infertility include surgery, fertility drugs, or assisted reproduction. Once a medical professional has been able to diagnose the cause, they’ll be able to suggest the proper treatment you’ll need and follow up to make sure it’s working. 

Fertility test
Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

At Ova, we have medical professionals who will be able to speak to you about your infertility concerns. 

For more information on treatments, read our article on ‘Fertility Treatment: Options to Overcome Infertility.’.


Many tests can be done to confirm the root causes of infertility. However, it will be tailored to your needs and where the medical professional suspects the problem might lie. Speak to a trusted physician to help diagnose your issue and recommend a suitable treatment.


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