Nodular Acne: Causes and Treatment

Written by: withJuno Editorial Team, Reviewed by Dr Julian Hong

Nodular Acne

Nodular acne is a severe form of acne that occurs due to the clogging of hair follicles with excess oil, bacteria, or dead skin cells. The buildup of these materials on the skin’s surface causes inflammation, eventually leading to painful, firm, deep nodules or cysts. 

Although being a less common type of acne, nodular acne treatment can be more complicated and require immediate medical intervention. This article will enlighten you on nodular acne causes and treatment. Hold your patience and read until the end to learn about nodular acne. 

Nodular acne causes

Nodular acne can be caused due to a variety of factors, all of which are listed below:

  • Hormonal fluctuations, especially during menstruation, puberty, menopause, or pregnancy
  • Skin prone to excessive sweating may develop the risk of nodular acne
  • Nodular acne may carry a genetic component that can run in families
  • Excessive oil production by the sebaceous glands can also lead to clogging of pores and forming nodular acne
  • Excessive growth of Propionibacterium acnes can contribute to nodular acne development
  •  Several medications, such as lithium, androgen, and corticosteroids, can also factor in developing nodular acne
  • Using skin care products can also lead to clogged pores and nodular acne
  • Excessive stress and anxiety increase cortisol levels, which cause higher sebum production

Nodular acne treatments

As nodular acne is a serious form of acne, it requires expert medical intervention for the proper treatment. The treatment might include a mixture of oral and topical medications and several lifestyle changes. Below are some common treatments recommended by healthcare professionals for nodular acne:

Topical treatments:

Such treatments include salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide, typically recommended by healthcare professionals, and nodular acne treatment cream, foam, or gel form.

Oral medications: 

The health care provider may recommend nodular acne antibiotics and skin care products like isotretinoin for severe acne. To reduce inflammation and clean nodular acne, other medications like tetracycline and birth control pills also prove helpful. 


Cortisone shots are typically recommended for larger acne nodules causing pain and irritation. This fastens the healing process and reduces inflammation considerably.


In conclusion, it is worth mentioning that nodular acne can also be treated by changing lifestyle in some cases. This includes ensuring a healthy diet, a sound sleep cycle, and an efficient management of stress and anxiety. However, this would only be effective if you knew the correct cause behind the development of such acne. Consult your healthcare professional for the best nodule pimple treatment from an early stage.

FAQs related to nodular acne

How to prevent nodular acne? 

Preventing nodular acne can be difficult sometimes. However, there are some steps that one can take to prevent the risk of its development. These include:

  • Keeping the skin clean
  • Avoid squeezing or picking acne
  • Using non-comedogenic products
  • Maintaining a healthy diet
  • Managing stress
  • Avoiding tight clothing

Is nodular acne rare? 

No, nodular acne is not rare, although it is less common than its other forms, like moderate inflammatory acne or comedonal acne. This type of acne can be found in people of all ages and skin types, but especially among adolescent people.

What are the stages of nodular acne? 

The development of nodular acne takes several steps, each retaining its unique characteristics. These stages are:

  • Formation: This stage involves the formation of a small bump or papule on the skin’s surface
  • Development: This stage marks the growth of the papule, which develops into a deeper and larger lesion referred to as a nodule. In this stage, it might become painful
  • Rupture: If it ruptures, it reveals its contents into the surrounding tissues, leading to an inflated, larger, and painful bump that takes the form of a cyst
  • Healing: With the recovery of the cyst, there remains a scar or a dark spot

How nodular acne look like? 

The typical appearance of nodular acne is large, pink, or red bumps on the skin that are stiff to the touch. The size of these bumps can vary in size from a few millimetres to several centimetres. Unlike other forms of acne, like blackheads or whiteheads, nodular acne doesn’t entertain a visible head or an opening on the skin’s surface. Nodular acne can be commonly found on the neck, face, chest, and back. 

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Book a consultation with Ova Singapore’s medical team to learn more about reproductive healthcare treatments here.


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