Are you thinking of starting a family? While some couples seem to get pregnant almost immediately when trying to conceive, others take a bit longer. If you’ve been trying for some time, here are some tips that might help.
For more on getting pregnant, read ‘What is fertility? Important facts you need to know.’
Tips to get pregnant faster
1. Monitor your menstrual cycle
A woman’s period can be regular (occurring at the same time every month) or irregular (varying from one month to another). By monitoring your menstrual cycle with a calendar, you will be able to predict when your ovaries release an egg (ovulation).
2. Have sex before you ovulate
A woman’s egg can only last for 12 to 24 hours once it’s released. However, a man’s sperm can survive in the woman’s reproductive tract for five days. Thus, having sex before you ovulate increases the chances of fertilization.
The tricky part is to know when you ovulate. Here’s how:
Changes in vaginal secretions
One way you can predict ovulation is to track your cervical mucus. This would entail regular checking of the appearance and amount of mucus in your vagina.
Vaginal mucus increases and is thinner, clearer, and more slippery just before ovulation occurs. These changes in vaginal secretions help sperm to travel to the egg. According to a 2013 study, women who tracked changes in vaginal secretions were 2.3 times more likely to conceive faster.
Changes in basal body temperature
You can monitor changes in basal body temperature to spot your ovulation days. Check and record your temperature when you get out of bed every morning.
Your basal body temperature will dip slightly just before your ovaries release an egg. The temperature will then rise and stay at the increased level for several days 24 hours after you ovulate.
However, because changes in basal body temperature are slight, you will need to use a special basal thermometer or an accurate digital thermometer for best results.
Home ovulation kits
If you’re not keen on tracking changes in your body, home ovulation prediction kits are for you. These kits test your urine for luteinizing hormone which increases during ovulation. The three days upon a positive test result are the best time to have sex to increase the chances of getting pregnant.
3. Don’t overdo having sex
Having sex every day only when you ovulate doesn’t actually increase your odds of conceiving. Remember, sperm can live for five days in the woman’s body. The best way to get pregnant fast is to have sex regularly. Data indicates that optimal semen quality occurs when there are two or three days of ejaculatory abstinence. Longer intervals are associated with lower pregnancy rates.
4. Know the best position to conceive
There is actually no ‘best’ position to get pregnant. However, lying on your back after sex can help encourage the man’s sperm to the woman’s egg. This is because the vagina slopes downward naturally, and being on your back means that the sperm will pool there.
You can also try having sex before bed. While there isn’t really an optimal time to have sex to get pregnant quickly, doing so before sleeping ensures that you remain on your back.
5. Have a healthy body weight

Being underweight or overweight can decrease the odds of getting pregnant. Excess body fat produces extra estrogen, and this can interfere with ovulation. Studies have found that obese couples with BMIs of 35 and above took 55 to 59% longer to conceive than couples who were in a healthy weight range.
On the other hand, women who are underweight may find that they do not have regular periods and stop ovulating. This, in turn, will obviously reduce fertility.
Being in a healthy weight range also applies to men as being overweight can affect sperm viability and the couple’s odds of getting pregnant.
6. Start on prenatal vitamins
If you’re trying to get pregnant, starting on prenatal vitamins is one of the best things for your baby and your body. Prenatal supplements ensure that you have all the vitamins and nutrients you need to stay healthy throughout your pregnancy.
Supplements such as folic acid will also help prevent birth defects, ensuring that your baby thrives from the moment of conception.
For more on prenatal vitamins, read ‘Prenatal Supplements: Why Do They Matter And How To Choose One?’
7. Eat healthily
Besides taking prenatal vitamins, eating healthy is another step you can take to prepare your body to conceive. Nutrients such as calcium, iron and protein are crucial for a healthy pregnancy.
Thus, your diet should include lean protein, whole grains, lean protein, healthy fat, dairy, fruits and vegetables. Avoid food that contains high levels of mercury and limit caffeine intake.
8. Stop smoking and drinking
Smoking and drinking can result in numerous health issues, including the crease of fertility. It’s best to avoid tobacco and alcohol if you’re trying to conceive.
9. Destress
If nothing seems to be happening although you’ve been trying to conceive for a while, you might start to feel stressed and frustrated. It can sound like a cliche when someone says, ‘Just relax, and it will happen,’ but this is true because stress can disrupt your menstrual cycle and ovulation.
Find a way to destress – do something you enjoy, or go for a trip with your partner. When you are relaxed, the better your odds of becoming pregnant.
10. Exercise, but not strenuously
Exercise keeps your body healthy and active, preparing your body for pregnancy and labour demands. Studies show that physical activity reduces fertility issues.
However, overdoing it can have the opposite effect. Women who exercise heavily may experience menstrual disturbances. And as such, they should cut back on strenuous workouts if they want to conceive.
When to seek help?
Many healthy couples become pregnant within one year of regular unprotected sex.
However, consider consulting a medical professional if you have been trying to get pregnant for over a year, are over 35 years old or suspect that you or your partner has infertility issues.
Remember that both men and women are affected by infertility. Additionally, there are fertility treatments available that can help you to conceive a healthy baby.
More questions on getting pregnant answered
Here are some other common questions related to getting pregnant:
What are the tips to get pregnant after miscarriage?

Pregnancy loss can be devastating, but if you want to start a family, you have to try again. When you’re ready to try again, here are some tips that might help:
- Check for underlying health issues that might make it harder to get pregnant, such as STDs, thyroid problems, diabetes, and high blood pressure.
- Maintain a healthy weight.
- Exercise and stay active
- Try to relax and manage your stress
- Be careful about alcohol and caffeine intake
- Quit smoking.
What are the tips to get pregnant with PCOS?
It may take longer to get pregnant if you have PCOS, but it’s not impossible. Here are some things to do that may help you speed up the process:
- Track your menstrual cycle
- Confirm ovulation with home ovulation kits
- Destress and relax
- Have a healthy diet
- Consult a medical professional to test insulin levels as PCOS is associated with Type 2 diabetes which can lead to fertility issues
What are the tips to get pregnant at 40?
Women who are older will find it harder to conceive due to age-related infertility. Here’s how to boost fertility naturally if you’re 40 and above:
- Eat healthily
- Maintain a healthy body weight
- Take prenatal vitamins
- Be aware of the changes in your body
- Quit smoking and alcohol
- Stay active but avoid vigorous exercise
- Have more sex
Read ‘Age and fertility: All you need to know’ for a better understanding of age-related infertility.
What are the tips to get pregnant fast with irregular periods?
Getting pregnant with irregular periods is not impossible. However, the chances of conceiving will depend on the following:
- The reason your period is irregular
- How irregular exactly are your periods
- Whether you can time intercourse accurately
Thus, to get pregnant as quickly as possible with irregular periods, it is best to first find out why you have an irregular menstrual cycle. Hormonal imbalance, high and low BMIs, overexercising, PCOS, medications, and age can all be contributing factors.
Besides finding out the cause of the irregular periods, you can increase your chances of conceiving by:
- Tracking your menstrual cycle
- Stay active with light exercise
- Stop smoking
- Take fertility supplements
- Learn how to have timed intercourse
- Visit a fertility specialist
Infertility issues can be heartbreaking, especially if you really want to start a family. If you’re having trouble conceiving or need advice on sexual health, speak to one of our experienced medical professionals at Ova. 100% online, you’re in good hands with our licensed healthcare professionals, who will provide you with a personalized treatment plan.