Is it safe to take an over-the-counter contraceptive pill?

Written by: withJuno Editorial Team, Reviewed by Dr Julian Hong

Some countries have allowed for contraceptive pills to be sold over the counter. This means that you do not need a medical professional’s advice to purchase it. 

However, they are still only available with a medical professional’s sign-off in many countries, including Singapore. 

This is because there are numerous factors that need to be taken into account.

For more on contraceptive pills and the types that are available, read ‘Contraceptive Pills 101: A Complete Guide’ and ‘What Are The Different Options For Oral Contraceptive?

Over the counter contraceptive pills debate

There has been debate as to whether the pill should remain available only with a medical professional’s sign-off, or whether it should be available for purchase over the counter (OTC). 

Some say that having contraceptive pills available OTC will help lower teen pregnancy rates as well as improve contraceptive access for women who are unable to go to a clinic. 

However, opponents feel that having the pill OTC would cause its price to rise as well as become a health risk as there is no advice from a medical professional before consumption. 

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Photo by Kate Hliznitsova on Unsplash

Over the counter contraceptive pill pros

Here are some reasons to consider making contraceptive pills available OTC:

  • Contraceptive pills are already safer compared to many drugs that are available over the counter. For example, the pill does not pose any risk of addiction or overdose. 
  • Having contraceptive pills available OTC will improve access for women who are from medically underserved and lower-income populations.
  • Access to contraceptive pills can decrease the rates of unintended or unwanted pregnancies. 
  • OTC access to contraceptive pills may help decrease the rates of teen pregnancies.  
  • OTC access to contraceptive pills could help decrease abortion rates.
  • Having the pill available OTC encourages continuous use, and this will also result in long term health benefits such as lower risk of ovarian cancer, regulation of the menstrual cycles and improved acne, PMS symptoms and endometriosis. 
  • It encourages women to care, be responsible and make decisions for their own bodies. 
  • Over the counter contraceptive pills may make it more affordable as they would be sold directly to consumers. Insurance companies and middlemen between the pill and women would be eliminated. 

Over the counter contraceptive pills cons

Here are some reasons why you should get your contraceptive pills from a medical professional:

  • Typical use effectiveness of the contraceptive pill could decrease as there is no proper counselling beforehand, resulting in unwanted pregnancies. 
  • Having the pills OTC may not make any difference in the number of teen pregnancies as there is a need for comprehensive counselling about contraception, sexuality, STDs and emergency contraception. Additionally, a lack of knowledge of how to use the pill correctly among adolescents will further exacerbate teenage pregnancy issues. 
  • Women who have certain underlying conditions will put themselves at risk if there is easy access to birth control pills. For example, the pill is not suitable for women who have a history of heart disease, diabetes, certain cancers and high blood pressure. 
  • Women who see a medical professional for contraceptive pills are more likely to have tests, screenings and conversations that encourage a healthy lifestyle and promote better health. For example, a medical professional may recommend a pap smear, or breast exam when the woman is in the clinic for the pills. This advantage is removed if contraceptive pills were to be available OTC.
  • OTC status for contraceptive pills would mean decreased privacy. You may bump into a friend or family member when you’re at the pharmacy. Women will no longer be able to keep their use of contraception private. 
  • If the pill is available over the counter, the use of hormonal contraception would increase, and this may cause damage to the body, especially if not used correctly. 

What contraception is available over the counter in Singapore?

In Singapore, non-hormonal contraceptives are readily available over the counter. You’ll be able to find condoms priced between $15 to $30 per box. And you can speak to a medical professional for the following contraceptives and the associated procedures:

  • Contraceptive pills
  • Contraceptive patch
  • Contraceptive injection
  • Intrauterine device (IUD)
  • Contraceptive implant
  • Vasectomy
  • Tubal ligation
  • Emergency contraceptive pills

What are over the counter emergency contraceptives?

Emergency contraception is used after having unprotected sex. Over the counter emergency contraceptives would refer to emergency contraception available without the need of a sign-off from a medical professional. 

In the US, levonorgestrel contraceptive pills can be bought OTC at most pharmacies or drugstores. 

However, in Singapore, emergency contraceptive pills are only available with a sign-off from a medical professional from a sexual health clinic.

For more on emergency birth control, read ‘What Are Emergency Contraceptive Pills?

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Photo by Candace Mathers on Unsplash

Contraceptive pills online

In this day and age, contraceptive pills can now be easily accessed online. The internet has provided an avenue in which women can seek professional advice from a medical professional on birth control and everything related to sex without having to leave the privacy of their homes. 

However, with purchasing contraceptive pills, or any medication online, for that matter, it’s important to establish that the site you’re visiting is indeed safe. Research it and if you feel that something is off, do not proceed with your purchase. It’s much better to be safe than sorry. 

In Singapore, Ova provides the desired privacy, convenience and legit medical advice for women who are seeking information on contraception. 

All you need to do is fill in a questionnaire, speak to a licensed healthcare professional and the pills will be sent to your desired address discreetly. Ova is part of Singapore’s Ministry of Health’s list of approved direct telemedicine providers.  

Is it safe to use over the counter contraceptive pills to stop your period?

Generally, skipping or stopping your period using the combination is quite simple and safe. You take an active pill (the pills that contain hormones) every day and skip the inactive pills (pills that do not contain hormones). This means that you discard the inactive pills and start with a new pack once the active pills are finished.  

However, it’s always best to get the advice of your medical professional before you do this so that you’re doing it correctly. As such, using over the counter contraceptive pills to do so may not be safe, especially if you’re not sure how to do it. You might also unintentionally increase the risk of pregnancy. 


Despite the debate of making contraceptive pills available over the counter, the pill is still a safe, affordable and very effective way to prevent pregnancy. 

If you’re wondering whether contraceptive pills are suitable for you, the best thing to do is to consult with a medical professional to get their advise on it. Additionally, you’ll also need to know how to take it as the pill’s effectiveness depends very much on correct usage.


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