Importance of Proper Hygiene to Avoid Yeast Infections

Written by: withJuno Editorial Team, Reviewed by Dr Julian Hong

Yeast infections are incredibly common and can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. While many people believe that yeast infections can only occur due to sexual activity, the truth is that there are other causes, such as poor hygiene. Fortunately, following proper hygiene habits can help to reduce the risk of developing a yeast infection.

This article will discuss how good hygiene habits can help prevent yeast infections and why it is important to maintain proper hygiene for optimal health.

How Proper Hygiene Helps to Prevent Yeast Infection?

Maintaining good hygiene is one of the best ways to prevent yeast infections. Yeast infections occur when excess amounts of Candida albicans, a fungus, overgrow in the vagina. Poor hygiene can lead to an imbalance in the natural balance of microorganisms in your body and cause an overgrowth of Candida, resulting in a yeast infection.

Good hygiene habits include cleaning the area around the vagina daily with warm water and mild soap; changing tampons, pads, or panty liners regularly; wearing clean cotton underwear; not douching or using feminine products with heavy fragrances and avoiding tight-fitting clothing that traps moisture near the skin.

Hygiene Tips to Prevent Vaginal Yeast Infection

If you want to get the best vaginal yeast infection treatment, make sure to follow the tips mentioned below:

1. Stay dry and clean

Keep your genital area dry and clean at all times. When showering, use warm water and mild soap to wash the area. Only wear wet clothing for a short period, as this can be a breeding ground for yeast infections.

2. Use unscented hygiene products

Opt for unscented hygiene products down there such as tampons, pads, and soaps free from fragrances, dyes, preservatives, or other irritants. Avoid douching or using over-the-counter topical medications unless prescribed by your doctor.

3. Choose cotton underwear

Cotton is more breathable than synthetic fabrics like polyester and nylon which help keep the area dryer and reduce irritation. Avoid tight-fitting clothing and wear loose-fitting clothes that are made of natural fibers like cotton.

4. Change out of wet swimming suits

After a swim, change into dry clothing as soon as possible to avoid allowing the moisture to stay in contact with your body for an extended period.

5. Wipe front to back

When wiping after using the bathroom, always wipe from front to back instead of back to front. This will help avoid bacteria in your anus transferring to your vagina, which can cause yeast infections.

6. Change tampons and pads often

This is especially important during your menstrual cycle when you may be more prone to yeast infections due to increased moisture or hormonal changes.

7. Avoid tight clothing

Tight-fitting clothing can create a warm and humid environment perfect for yeast growth. Opting for loose-fitting clothes like cotton underwear is best to help keep your genital area dry.

8. Wear clean fabric

Wear clean fabric after exercising or engaging in activities that cause you to sweat, as this can be a breeding ground for yeast infections if not taken care of properly.

9. Don’t share towels

Avoid sharing towels with other people as this can spread bacteria from one person to another leading to an infection. Always use a new, clean towel when drying yourself off after showering or swimming.

10. Practice safe sex

Use a barrier form of contraception such as condoms or dental dams when engaging in sexual activities to protect yourself from contracting any infections. This is especially important when having multiple partners.

The Bottom Line

Proper hygiene is one of the best ways to help prevent vaginal yeast infections. This includes avoiding irritants and potential allergens that can cause discomfort or an imbalance in the body’s delicate balance of microorganisms. Additionally, seeking over-the-counter treatments for a yeast infection or consulting a healthcare professional may be beneficial if symptoms become persistent or severe. 

All these preventive measures can help keep your vagina healthy and free of any complications from yeast infections.


Q1. How can proper hygiene prevent fungal infection?

Proper hygiene is an important first step in preventing fungal infections. Keeping the affected area clean and dry helps to prevent moisture from collecting, which can lead to fungi growth. Wearing loose-fitting clothes, particularly in areas prone to fungal infection such as the groin or feet can help reduce excessive sweating and promote airflow.

Q2. How do you prevent frequent yeast infections?

The best way to prevent frequent yeast infections is to practice good hygiene and keep the vaginal area clean and dry. Wearing cotton underwear, washing daily with warm water and mild soap, avoiding tight clothing, avoiding douching or using feminine hygiene sprays, changing tampons and pads frequently during menstrual periods, and avoiding hot tubs can help reduce the risk of developing a yeast infection.

What is the most vital personal hygiene practice for preventing infection?

Good personal hygiene is essential for preventing infection, especially when it comes to vaginal yeast infections. Proper washing of the genital area and avoiding tight clothing can reduce the risk of developing a yeast infection. Additionally, women should use pads instead of tampons during their period as tampons can increase the chances of getting a yeast infection.

Why do yeast infections return?

An excessive presence of the fungus Candida albicans in the vagina can lead to a yeast infection. Unfortunately, this infection can return even after it has been successfully treated with antifungal medications. This is because a vaginal yeast infection treatment only eliminates the symptoms and does not get to the root cause of the imbalance that allowed for the initial outbreak.

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Book a consultation with Ova Singapore’s medical team to learn more about reproductive healthcare treatments here.


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