How to Deal with Mood Swings During Period?

Written by: withJuno Editorial Team, Reviewed by Dr Julian Hong

Why do I get mood swings during period?

Mood swings during your period are quite common. There are various reasons why most women experience mood swings during their period. And this post intends to narrate why mood swings are common during this phase.

How common is mood swings during period

The menstrual cycle is the mark of fertility for a woman. But during those five or seven days of the month, a woman might feel restless and experience mood swings. In science, it is called premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Symptoms of PMS emotions

PMS symptoms usually begin four to five days before the period starts, but some women may start experiencing these symptoms before one or two weeks. Here’s a rundown of the most common PMS emotions one may experience during periods:

1. Anxiety

Anxiety before the period is a common PMS syndrome. It can lead to hormonal changes. If a woman has existing mental conditions, this symptom may worsen during the cycle.

2. Depression

Depression before or during the menstrual cycle is another PMS sign. Since the hormonal levels fluctuate during this time, women experience emotional changes.

3. Poor concentration

Did you know some women experience problems remembering things during their periods? Poor concentration makes it harder for them to make decisions. It causes brain fatigue too.

4. Libido changes

The menstrual cycle has a lot to do with your libido. During the cycle, women become more interested in conjugal life during ovulation or midway through the cycle.

5. Anger or irritability 

Fluctuations in progesterone and oestrogen hormones may affect a woman’s mood and trigger negative emotions. That results in irritability and anger. 

5 ways to manage period mood swings

Lifestyle modifications can be excellent for women who experience mood swings during the menstrual cycle. Here are the best ways to manage PMS syndrome:

1. Consume meals frequently in small quantity

Eating throughout the day can ease PMS signs. A large meal, especially one with higher carbohydrate content, may increase blood sugar levels. As a result, you will experience worsening PMS symptoms. Instead, you may eat in small quantities six to seven times throughout the day.

2. Devote to an exercise regimen

Physical activities uplift mood, given that it increases the production of endorphins (or feel-good hormone) in your brain. Exercising improves energy and alleviates bloating or cramps usually experienced during periods.

3. Limit caffeine content and alcohol

Refraining from consuming coffee or limiting its content may have health benefits during this time of the month. Note that caffeine may increase nervousness, insomnia, and anxiety. Besides, you also need to refrain from consuming alcohol as it acts as a depressant.

4. Take hormonal birth control

Besides preventing pregnancy, hormonal birth control pills can alleviate PMS symptoms. Consult a medical professional to understand how contraceptive pills reduce signs of PMS emotions.

5. A good night’s sleep

A good night’s sleep may lower symptoms of PMS during periods. You should sleep a minimum of seven to eight hours.


PMS can cause uncontrollable mood swings. But if you know how to control it, you will be back to a stable emotional form. Get a consultation from a proficient medical professional on OVA to discover a customised treatment solution for PMS.

FAQs related to period mood swings

1. Why do women get angry during their period?

Women usually become angry during their period due to the fluctuations in oestrogen and progesterone hormones. It triggers emotions like irritability and anger.

2. Why do I get so angry before my period?

Anger and irritability are common signs of PMS emotions that a woman starts experiencing a few days before her cycle. Family issues, financial problems, and stress may trigger the condition.

3. How to control mood swings during periods?

Lifestyle changes can improve the symptoms of mood swings during periods. Besides, you can consult a medical expert for a comprehensive treatment solution.

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Book a consultation with Ova Singapore’s medical team to learn more about reproductive healthcare treatments here.


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