Acne Scars: Causes, Tips to Prevent Them and Treatments

Written by: withJuno Editorial Team, Reviewed by Dr Julian Hong

What is acne scars?

Acne scars can be difficult to deal with. It can cause feelings of insecurity or low self-esteem, making it difficult to feel confident. Fortunately, there are ways to treat and prevent acne scars. This article will provide an overview of the causes of acne scars, tips for preventing them, and treatments available for those who already have them.

Dead skin cells and oil tends to clog hair follicles which results in acne. It leads to pimples, whiteheads, or blackheads. Acne may affect anybody irrespective of their age but is more common among teens.

Sometimes, acne treatments may not be effective. The lumps and pimples heal gradually, and just as one begins to fade away, another appears. Acne can leave physical scars and create emotional discomfort, based on its severity. Proper treatment can help to prevent acne from scarring.

Wondering what acne scars are? Elevated or pitted areas of the skin give rise to acne scars. They are the main cause of skin damage due to acne. Your body heals the skin surface by creating and synthesising collagen fibres when you have acne. If your body doesn’t produce the required amount of collagen, pitted scars might form. If the body produces excessive collagen, raised scars might form.

Top 6 causes of acne scars

As bacteria, dead skin cells, and oil clog and inflamed pores, the microscopic holes in the skin through which oil and sweat rise to its surface, an acne lesion (pimple) develops. Your skin sheds 40,000 cells every hour, and a dead cell may get stuck in the pore. And clogged pores may cause blackheads or whiteheads. These pores can occasionally swell up and cause different kinds of acne.

Here are the six common causes of acne scars:

Popping pimples

Many people prefer popping their pimples or acne in an attempt to treat them. However, this just does the opposite. It pushes harmful bacteria and pus deep into the skin leading to more redness and irritation. Since popping a pimple involves applying pressure to the delicate skin, it produces lasting acne marks in place of the acne you want to get rid of.

Wearing heavy makeup

While it’s hard to live without makeup for most women and is sometimes a necessity, too much of it can do more harm than good. A full face of makeup may be the best mood enhancer, but it’s important to note that if you cake it on, excessive cosmetics may obstruct pores. Many women neglect to properly remove their makeup and wash their faces, which further gives rise to acne and causes scarring.

Ineffective skincare routine

You might feel permanently stuck with the night cream or face wash you’ve used for the past ten years and can even swear by its magical effects. However, if you are still getting acne, perhaps the products you have been using aren’t the most effective. Start using acne scar removal cream that suits your skin type and helps to heal your skin and clear the breakouts while also minimising acne scars.

Ignoring inflammation

You should keep in mind that inflammation is the cause of acne now that you know what causes acne scars. So, the only approach to prevent acne scarring is to stop the inflammation that causes everything to seem unsightly. Dermatologists claim that inflammation can weaken collagen to the point that healthy tissue is replaced with scar tissue thinner than the surrounding skin, which may leave a mark on the skin. Look for an acne scars cream that can do this, and if it also reduces scarring, it’s a win-win situation!

Touching your face excessively

We’re all guilty of touching our faces excessively. Often, it begins with the palm of your hand resting softly on your cheek, an infrequent forehead rub, or the traditional hand reclining against the chin. All of these, however, can speed up the transfer of germs from your hands to your face. You may not be aware that it can also irritate your skin.

Using a washcloth on your face

Although using a washcloth on your skin is not a good idea, they are fantastic for other things, such as washing a car. There’s little doubt that many of you have used washcloths. This is mainly because it was advertised as being able to wash the skin more thoroughly. Yet, a washcloth does not truly offer a deep cleanse and is rough on the skin. Using washcloths might expose you to more dirt and bacteria and thin off the top layer of skin, which may irritate you and produce acne scars.

Top 5 tips on how to prevent acne scars

Living with acne and its scars is not preferable. So, it’s best to look for ways to prevent acne scars. So, here are five tips to learn about acne scars prevention.

Treat acne right away

Without the correct medical care, acne can get worse. Patients should treat the unpleasant and inflammatory signs of acne as soon as possible.

Maintain correct skin hygiene

Ensure to clean your skin twice a day with a cleanser that matches your skin type. Post-washing, moisturise your face well and avoid touching your face too much.

Avoid wearing heavy makeup

Too much makeup can be harsh on your skin and cause acne. This acne soon forms scars that are difficult to reduce. So, use safe makeup products on your skin, and never forget to remove them before bed.

Use natural techniques

Homemade facial packs have been an age-old remedy, and it is what helps with acne scars the most. Using ingredients like honey, lemon, vitamin E oil, tea tree oil, and apple cider vinegar can help eliminate acne marks effectively.

Never pop a pimple or acne

Reducing acne scars will become easier when you stop popping acne. This would prevent the bacteria from making it worse and, thus, lowering your chances of getting a scar.


You still could end up with some acne scars despite your best attempts. Fortunately, several acne scar treatment methods can help reduce the visibility of scarring. Ensure to consult your dermatologist or healthcare practitioner. They can help you choose the best treatment options.

FAQs about acne scars

How can I balance my hormones for acne?

Evidence-based strategies that may lessen the symptoms of acne include eating a diet high in nutrients, avoiding dairy products, and consuming little added sugar. Some healthy strategies to battle acne include getting adequate sleep, quitting smoking, lowering stress, and taking supplements like vitamin D and green tea extract.

How do I know if my acne is hormonal?

Hormonal acne can be painful whiteheads, blackheads, or severe cysts. If sebum gets produced more than the required amount in your body, it clogs the pores. As a result, it causes pimples and hormonal acne.

What foods cause acne and why?

Certain foods like cornflakes, white bread, white rice, puffed rice, white potatoes or fries, potato chips, doughnuts, or other pastries, and sugary drinks like milkshakes, soft drinks are highly responsible for causing acne. These foods cause acne as they have a high glycaemic index and affect the blood sugar level and hormones.

Which hormone causes acne in females?

Androgens are the most common hormones that control sebum production. It accelerates acne development in women, especially during puberty. This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Book a consultation with Ova Singapore’s medical team to learn more about acne treatment here.


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