Acne Prone Skin: Dos and Don’ts to Treat Acne

Written by: withJuno Editorial Team, Reviewed by Dr Julian Hong

The skin needs special care, especially with skin issues like acne. For such conditions, a skincare routine for acne-prone skin eliminates the acne and heals the skin. Abiding by a strict skincare routine is imperative when one has acne. It focuses on the acne-causing elements and stops them from their roots.


To reduce acne, one needs to know why it occurs. One needs to understand how the skin works. Knowing and identifying the underlying skin issues helps in figuring out the inner workings of the skin. The skin has sebaceous glands or oil glands which secrete oils to moisturise the skin.

However, a hormone imbalance can cause the oil gland to overproduce the secretions. It results in acne plaguing the skin. People suffering from this need to follow an acne-prone skincare routine that minimises acne flare-ups.

Acne Prone Skin 

Two types of acne occur on skin prone to acne: non-inflammatory and inflammatory. The non-inflammatory acne appears as blackheads and whiteheads. They are easy to spot and lie flat against the skin. The correct skincare routine will show you how to get rid of acne fast.

As their name suggests, inflammatory acne has a reddish and more robust appearance. They can be papules or pustules with pus. They may also develop into cysts. Papules are often more painful. Therefore you must think twice should you pop a pimple.

Dos To Treat Acne Prone Skin

#1: Maintain Clean Skin

To maintain your skin and keep it clean, wash your face regularly. Do it twice daily. Choose a face wash with active ingredients. If the appearance of the acne is horrible, go for gentle cleansers. Gentle cleansers without active ingredients also help to clean the skin.

Washing the face also helps decrease the irritation from acne treatments. The skin care washes off dead skin cells. 

#2: Choose Active Ingredients

When it comes to acne-prone skin routine, you must choose active ingredients that will treat the type of acne you have. Some popular elements are benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, adapalene, and retinol.

The ingredients treat acne by drying the skin. Maintain a day-to-night and night-to-day routine for your acne-prone skin.

#3: Wear SPF

SPF is your skin’s best friend. Apart from skin treatment, it is best to wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen. Your skin becomes more sensitive when you use retinol, benzoyl peroxide, and salicylic acid. It has more exposure to the Sun. Wearing sunscreen in acne skin care helps to protect and reduce the scarring after the healing.

#4: Moisturise Your Skin

The treatments can dry out your skin, so ensure you have a good moisturiser in your acne skin care routine. Keep the skin hydrated and maintain the natural barrier. Choose a moisturiser that nourishes and hydrates your skin. It must be non-comedogenic.

Even when you have breakouts, maintain your skincare routine. Not doing it is what can worsen acne. The pimples may appear full of puss, and you may feel the urge, “should I pop a pimple?” But have you ever thought about what happens if you don’t pop a pimple? It will become an acne scar. Avoid popping them at all costs.

#5: Avoid Touching Your Face Too Often

It might sound like generic advice, but ensure to follow it. You touch a million things with your hands, and it has a lot of dirt and bacteria. You transfer the bacteria to your face when you touch your face with your hands. Avoid touching your face too often if you are thinking of how to get rid of a pimple fast.

Don’ts To Treat Acne Prone Skin 

#1: Don’t Go to Bed Wearing Makeup

One of the cardinal rules of acne skin care is removing your makeup before retiring to bed. The makeup residue prevents the skin from breathing. The clogged pores can harbour bacteria that result in acne. Use a foaming cleanser to clean it. If a pimple appears on your skin, what should you do? Should you pop a pimple? Of course not.

#2: Avoid Stress

Besides the acne skincare routine, there is another way to reduce acne. Stress is one of the leading causes of acne. Have stress management routines that avoid acne flare-ups. Exercising, yoga, and a healthy diet helps to reduce flare-ups.

#3: Poking Your Skin 

Avoid touching the acne breakouts with your bare hands. Use a tissue to touch your face. The dirt is what can worsen acne.

#4: Trying New Products

You might want to try new products in the desperation of how to get rid of a pimple fast. Avoid trying new products too often. The products from skincare for acne-prone skin take time to show visible results.

Switching your acne-prone skin routine will make your skin overly irritated and sensitive. Be patient with your skin care routine. Stick to the current skincare routine for at least six months to see visible results.

#5: Not Cleansing Skin After Exercising

Perspiring while working out makes the skin absorb the impurities and the sweat to cause an acne breakout. Cleanse your skin after a workout session. Remember what happens if you don’t pop a pimple, so gently scrub your skin.


An effective skincare routine for acne prone-skin can reduce the symptoms and even stop their recurrence. It is a time-consuming process, but it heals and repairs the skin. The best acne-prone skincare routine from a consultation at the Ova site will personalise the treatment based on your causes.

FAQs Related to Acne Prone Skin Routine

●      How do you treat acne-prone skin?

If you are wondering how to get rid of acne fast, consult a dermatologist who will identify the causes. They will suggest a personalised treatment.

●      What must I avoid for acne-prone skin? 

Avoid, by all means popping a pimple. Should I pop a pimple- don’t do it. Also, clean your face and wear sunscreen. Use an exfoliator.

●      What is the skincare routine for acne-prone skin?

Use a cleanser, toner, moisturiser, and sunscreen for acne prone skin.

●      How do I clear my acne routine? 

For your skin treatment, wash your face twice with a mild cleanser. Avoid touching your face, and also wear sunscreen. Avoid switching products too often. This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Book a consultation with Ova Singapore’s medical team to learn more about reproductive healthcare treatments here.


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