Nausea During Period: Causes and Treatments

Written by: withJuno Editorial Team, Reviewed by Dr Julian Hong

Menstruation can become a difficult time of the month for many women who have to deal with extreme symptoms like nausea. Even though it is a common symptom of PMS, and one can temporarily treat it with nausea medicine, traditional remedies can help in providing long-term relief. 

Nausea during period

Nausea is a common symptom due to hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle. The regular causes of nausea during the period make women also experience symptoms like headaches and menstrual cramps.

Amongst a host of physical symptoms, feeling nauseous is one of the symptoms that women experience. One can find temporary relief from it by using anti-nausea medication.

Why do you feel nauseous during your period?

The body, during this time, releases chemicals, also known as prostaglandins. These hormones trigger the symptoms, leading to one experiencing nausea during the period. The prostaglandins help the body to respond with an inflammatory response to the pathogens. They help the uterus contract and shed the uterine lining. 

The excess hormone secretion during this time of the month makes one go through excessive nausea and vomiting. The hormonal changes occur in every woman. However, some women end up experiencing pain and cramps during this time. 

The contraction of the uterine wall also causes immense pain and cramps in many women. The intensity of the pain due to cramps vary from woman to woman. Since the uterine wall contracts to shed itself, causing “periods”, the muscles cause discomfort and pain. However, such pain has anti-nausea medication, which provides relief.

Common causes of nausea during period 

The hormones fluctuate throughout the month, bringing about changes in the body. However, hormonal changes are not the only reason why you feel like vomiting on the first day period. Then what are the other reasons? Let’s have a look at them.

1. Dysmenorrhea

The painful cramps you experience during your periods are known as “dysmenorrhea”. It is one of the common causes of menstrual nausea. It occurs mostly due to uterine contractions due to high prostaglandin levels. Known as “cramps from hell”, one feels extreme pain when the uterine walls contract.

2. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

One of the causes of nausea during menstruation is due to PMS. The symptoms start to show a week or two before the periods. It causes cramps, diarrhoea and breast tenderness, and more. 

The major physical and emotional changes start to show a week or two before the period. The nausea treatment relieves the issue after the period starts. The hormonal changes trigger the PMS. Other than the physical symptoms, it also causes emotional changes. The nausea medication can also treat mood swings, anxiety, crying spells, sleep issues, and irritability. 

One of the explanations for mood swings is the low serotonin levels during periods. Also, nutritional deficiencies can cause nausea during pregnancy. 

3. Endometriosis

It is normal to experience nausea during the period for the first time. However, chronic pain and nausea are signs of endometriosis. The tissue on the uterine wall cannot leave the body. Since it thickens, it causes pain in expanding. Severe cases can also cause unbearable period pain and vomiting. Other symptoms include fatigue, diarrhoea, painful urination, heavy bleeding, and painful bowel movements. 

4. PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder)

PMDD or Premenstrual Dysmorphic Disorder is a more severe condition of PMS. It happens due to hormonal changes. It results in low serotonin levels. Due to the altered serotonin levels in the brain, one experiences severe mood swings and nausea during the period. 

The PMDD symptoms lead to nausea during the period. The severity of the nausea is curable only by nausea medicine. It also causes emotional symptoms like paranoia, irritability, difficulty focusing, and panic attacks.

Women with anxiety and depression suffer the pangs of PMDD on a more heightened level. Like PMs, PMDD symptoms also show a few days before the period. It includes vomiting during the first day of your period. 

Other symptoms include cramps, bloating, body aches, feelings of sadness and despair, and unbearable period pain and vomiting. If you feel like you are experiencing a combination of these symptoms, then it is best to seek medical advice.

5. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

PID or Pelvic inflammatory disease may occur due to infections. It is an STD, and it causes immense pain in the uterus. It mainly affects the fallopian tubes and ovaries. However, it is a relief that the infection is treatable with nausea medication and nausea treatment for PMS.

Here are the symptoms of PID:

  • nausea and vomiting
  • Painful urination
  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding
  • Unusual vaginal discharge 

Nausea treatment during menstruation

1: Serotonin inhibitors 

They increase serotonin levels. It keeps the extreme mood swings in check. It mainly treats emotional symptoms. 

2: Antibiotics 

Antibiotics treat PID. However, you need a prescription to consume it. 

3: Oral contraceptives

It controls the hormones during this period. It helps to relieve the physical and emotional symptoms. 

4: Ginger 

Ginger helps with PMS and nausea during pregnancy. It soothes the stomach reducing the chances of an upset bowel. 

5: Chamomile

When you experience nausea during a period for the first time, chamomile tea is the best treatment. It is a relaxant with anti-inflammatory properties. It relaxes the muscles and reduces cramps.


Nausea during periods can be uncomfortable and unpleasant, but there are ways to reduce the symptoms. Regular physical activity, staying hydrated, and eating healthy meals throughout the day will help in treating nausea during your period. 

If you experience severe symptoms, such as vomiting or depression, it is best to consult a doctor immediately. Professional healthcare experts from Ova can help you manage severe nausea during the period. The experts will assess the symptoms to determine the causes of nausea during the period. After determining the causes of nausea during menstruation, they can formulate a cure for the person. 

Overall, taking proper care of yourself and understanding your body is essential in managing the effects of nausea during the menstrual cycle. 

FAQs related to nausea during period 

1. How do you get rid of nausea during your period?  

Use over-the-counter medicines and also heat pads. Birth control pills also help. 

2. Why am I so nauseous during my period? 

It is typically due to hormonal changes. It is a common issue. However, other symptoms like mood swings and bloating can also accompany it. 

3. Is it normal to feel nausea during your period?  

Nausea is a normal part of PMS since the prostaglandin hormone navigates the body during this time. However, feeling nauseous during or after your period may be a sign of an underlying condition such as PMDD. If this is the case, then it is best to seek medical advice in order to get proper treatment and relief.

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Book a consultation with Ova Singapore’s medical team to learn more about reproductive healthcare here.


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