Yeast Infections: 5 Tips for Protecting Yourself and Your Partner

Written by: withJuno Editorial Team, Reviewed by Dr Julian Hong

Yeast infections are incredibly common, and unfortunately can be passed between partners. In this article, we’ll discuss the signs of a yeast infection, what causes them, how to keep you and your partner infection-free and healthy.

What is a yeast infection? 

Inflammation, discharge, and severe itching of the vagina and vulvar tissues are classic symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection, a kind of fungal infection. Vaginal yeast infection, also known as vaginal candidiasis, is a very common problem, affecting as many as one-third of all women at a certain time. 

Yeast infections in the vagina are not considered STIs. They are more common among those who engage in sexual activities. Several studies have also connected oral-genital sex with an increased risk of infection.

Moreover, a  yeast infection may be treated with medication. A prolonged treatment regimen and a management strategy may be required if you get four or more yeast infections within a year.

What causes a vaginal yeast infection? 

Yeast infections may occur due to different causes:


The pH balance of the vagina is affected by hormones, and this can create a favorable environment for yeast overgrowth. The reasons for hormonal imbalance may include pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause, or even birth control drugs.


Uncontrolled diabetes may cause yeast infections of the vagina due to a rise in sugar levels in the vaginal mucus membranes.


Some medications have the potential to eradicate beneficial vaginal microorganisms.

Vaginal sprays and douches: 

Using these items may alter the natural chemistry of your genitalia.

Poor immune system

Unchecked yeast growth is also possible for those with immune system disorders.


Sexual contact may spread a yeast infection from one person to another, even if it is not technically an STI.

5 tips to protect yourself and your partner from getting a yeast infection

The following are seven suggestions on how to prevent yeast infections:

1. Wear cotton underwear

Use loose-fitting cotton undergarments to promote a balanced microbiome. Close-fitting, non-breathable clothing should be avoided, as should sweaty training clothes. Candida thrives in warm, moist places, like those created by these garments.

2. Avoid using hot tubs and hot showers after sex

The warm and damp conditions created by hot water may encourage the establishment of Candida. Damage to the skin’s barrier function might also increase susceptibility to irritated skin.

3. Avoid antibiotics

By their very nature, antibiotics can potentially eliminate beneficial vaginal bacteria along with pathogenic ones. Antibiotic use increases the risk of yeast infections in the vaginal region. Thus, see your medical professional before taking antibiotics.

4. Maintain good hygiene

Do not engage in actions, including poor hygiene, which might cause yeast infections. Douching, scented vaginal washes or lotions, and perfumed sanitary items might disrupt the delicate vaginal microflora balance and should be avoided during personal hygiene practices.

5. Keep yourself hydrated

For yeast infection prevention, it is important to consume sufficient water to preserve a healthful skin membrane in the vaginal region, oral cavity, and elsewhere.

Learn About Yeast Infections on Ova

If you’d like to learn more about yeast infections, make sure to visit Ova. At Ova, we have a wealth of information on everything from prevention and treatment tips about yeast infections. A teleconsultation with one of our doctors can also provide you with customised advice tailored to your individual needs. From recommendations on yeast infection creams to lifestyle advice, our team of experienced doctors can help you address your concerns and find the right solution for you.


It is important to take steps to prevent yeast infections from occurring in the first place and also to treat them quickly if they do. By understanding the risk factors and symptoms, you can be best prepared for prevention and effective yeast infection treatment. With these tips in mind, you should be able to have a healthy and enjoyable intimate relationship free of yeast infections!


1. How can I avoid giving my partner a yeast infection?

One of the most important steps to avoiding passing a yeast infection to your partner is practicing safe sex. Always use a condom or other barrier protection when engaging in sexual activity.

2. Can my partner get infected if I have a yeast infection? 

Yes, it is possible for your partner to get infected if you have a yeast infection. Yeast infections are caused by a fungus called Candida and can be passed between sexual partners. The fungus lives naturally on the body, but if it overgrows it can cause an infection.

3. Do both partners need to be treated for yeast infection? 

The short answer is no. It is generally recommended that only the partner who has symptoms of a yeast infection be treated. This is because the symptoms of a yeast infection can be caused by other things, and it is important to identify the cause before treating it.

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Book a consultation with Ova Singapore’s medical team to learn more about reproductive healthcare here.


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