8 Ways to Treat Acne Breakouts in Women

Written by: withJuno Editorial Team, Reviewed by Dr Julian Hong

Acne Breakout

Isn’t it irritating and frustrating to wake up to a new acne the night after being thankful to god for curing the previous? Well, it’s not you. Acne breakout is quite a common skin condition and can affect people of all ages. 

Various factors give rise to acne, and the list can be huge. Few include hormonal imbalance, stress, lifestyle or diet changes, and certain medications. But this article will not focus on the cause of acne breakout but on how to stop pimples from coming onto the face.

8 ways to treat acne breakouts in women

Below are discussed some of the most common and effective ways of acne breakout treatment that will also act as acne scar treatment.

1. Keeping your skin clean:

You might be confused about whether this article offers an acne breakout solution or some skin care suggestion. Well, don’t worry; we’ve got your acne breakout solution covered. The very first step that you need to undertake for treating acne is to ensure clean skin. 

This is because oil, dirt, and bacteria tend to clog the pores of the skin and lead to acne breakouts. Therefore keeping the skin clean will help you with the proper treatment. Use a gentle cleanser and wash your face twice daily. 

2. Tropical treatment methods:

Medicinal ingredients like retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, and salicylic acid prove effective in treating mild to moderate acne breakouts. These work by helping the pores to unclog, lower inflammation, and reduce frequent breakouts. Moreover, there are several acne ointments or acne spot treatment creams that help in treating scars. 

3. Changes in lifestyle:

Eating a healthy diet and ensuring a healthy sleep cycle helps you maintain a healthy weight and can also solve your acne problems. As stress is another cause of acne, a healthy lifestyle will help you to manage stress effectively and reduce the chance of acne breakout. 

4. Prescription medicines:

If the acne persists and takes a severe form, it will become essential to book a consultation with a dermatologist, who may prescribe oral or topical medications such as oral contraceptives, isotretinoin, or other antibiotics. However, it is essential to strictly follow the dermatologist’s guidance to lower the chance of complications. 

5. Regular moisturising:

Another reason behind acne breakouts is the lack of hydration allowed to the skin. People with oily skin most often make the mistake of not applying moisturiser. The lack of hydration can stimulate dryness in the skin leading to pimples on the chin, face, and forehead. 

6. Professional therapies:

If the breakout frequency is higher, dermatologists may suggest professional treatments such as laser therapy or microdermabrasion to reduce the acne breakout frequency and improve the appearance of acne-prone skin.

7. Ensuring regular sun protection:

The UV rays of the sun are especially harmful to your skin. Therefore continuous exposure to the sun might worsen your acne problem and lead to significant skin damage. Applying sunscreen will help you prevent sun exposure and protect your skin.

8. Home treatment:

Using natural ingredients such as aloe vera, tea tree oil, or honey can help reduce inflammation and act as a potential remedy for acne breakout. However, for severe acne problems, these might not provide fast relief. 


Therefore if you have acne-prone skin, you need not consider yourself unlucky. You can eliminate all the frequent acne breakouts and unwanted scars with the proper treatment method. Follow the guidance of your dermatologist to get the best results- a healthier and clearer complexion. 

FAQs related to acne breakout:

1. What causes acne breakouts? 

Several factors give rise to breakouts of acne. Some of the mentionable causes include excess oil production, bacteria on the skin’s surface, changes in hormones, poor diet, stress and anxiety, and genetics. 

2. Is acne a permanent condition? 

No, acne is not permanent, but it may be a chronic one for some. The breakouts can last for several months to years. Without medical attention, it might lead to scarring and severe skin damage in the long run. 

3. Why is my acne suddenly breaking out?

If you are experiencing sudden acne breakouts, consider any recent lifestyle changes or a significant change in your skincare routine. The best way to discover the underlying issue is to talk with a dermatologist.

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Book a consultation with Ova Singapore’s medical team to learn more about reproductive healthcare treatments here.


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